assallammuallaikum warahmatullahi-wabarakatuh.. kali ini gue pengen nge-review aplikasi android lagi nih.. namanya.... jeng jeng jeng jeng...

[REVIEW + SHARE] SuperGNES (SNES Emulator) 1.3.15.apk (free download)

assallammuallaikum warahmatullahi-wabarakatuh..

kali ini gue pengen nge-review aplikasi android lagi nih.. namanya.... jeng jeng jeng jeng..

SuperGNES (SNES Emulator).. keren yeh namanye..

kepanjangan SNES itu apaan yeh.. setau gue itu, Super Nintendo ... ES-nye itu gue ngga tau.. mungkin ES-nye itu Emansipasi Saklar.. hahai.. jadi nanti saklar saklar yang ada dirumah lu pada demo gitu di HI minta kesetaraan.. hahaha.. lucu yeh kalo kaya gitu.. ngga ngga, ngga kaya gitu.. kepanjangan ES-nye gue lupa..

nah aplikasi ini udeh jelas kan.. emulator super nintendo..

kalo gue boleh nilai.. developer SuperGNES ini cerdas banget.. pertama die (mungkin) males nyewa Super Nintendo di rental, trus die selalu megang hp, trus duitnya daripada buat nyewa di rental mending buat beli pulsa.. pikir die..
dan akhirnya die mikirin gimana caranye die bisa maen Super Nintendo di hp.. setelah berfikir panjang.. akhirnya ketemu lah emulator Super Nintendo trus dinamain SuperGNES.. trus di taro di Play Store android ama die.. trus di bandrol harga deh.. mungkin die kaya kali sekarang..

ide orang yang bikin SuperGNES ini emang briliant karena die nyiptain emulator SNES di android dimana di Play Store itu masih jarang emulator SNES.. makanye SuperGNES ini laku keras.. kacau..

desainnye juga menarik.. simple.. keren lah pokonye.. kalo ngga percaya coba lu liat liat screenshotnye di sini nih..

O.K. yang mao download aplikasinye tapi ngga punya duit buat nge-installnye.. tenang gue bakalan ngasih lu secara cuma cuma..

et et et.. tapi sebelom nge-download nyok kita baca dulu deskripsi dari developernya dulu..

The premier Super Nintendo emulator! Developed from the ground up to deliver the fastest play possible. Easily locate and play
your favorite titles by scanning your phone to view your list of installed ROMs, complete with cover art!
★ Fastest emulation with best game compatibility
★ Auto-detects games and displays cover art
★ Thousands of cheats (Pro Action Replay™, Game Genie™)
★ Dropbox cloud syncing support for continuous play across devices
★ Visual effect shaders (CRT Simulator, High Quality 2x/3x, and more)
★ Excellent support for external controllers including Moga/Pro, Zeemote and iCade 8-bitty
★ Mouse support for games like Mario Paint
★ Network multiplayer using WiFi or Bluetooth
★ Advanced layout editor for on-screen controls
★ In-game GameFAQs™ integration
★ Turbo mode to fast-forward games
★ Ultra-fast SuperFX, SA1 and DSP chipset support
★ Support for SMC, FIG, SFC, ZIP, and 7z formats
★ Helpful and responsive customer service
See FAQ or Game Compatibility List at
★★ Actual SNES emulation developers. SuperGNES is regularly updated and supported. ★★
We support the preservation of classic gaming through our corporate sponsorship of the Digital Game Museum. Check them out

SuperGNES (SNES Emulator) 1.3.15.apk

gue KT


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